Summarizes the subordination index coding.
Summarizes the narrative scoring scheme coding.
NSS for Specific Stories
Frog, Where Are You? by Mercer Mayer (1969) |
NSS FWAY Rubric |
Pookins Gets Her Way by Helen Lester (1987) |
NSS PGHW Rubric |
A Porcupine Named Fluffy by Helen Lester (1986) |
NSS APNF Rubric |
Doctor De Soto by William Steig (1982) |
NSS DDS Rubric |
Frog Goes to Dinner by Mercer Mayer (1974) |
NSS FGTD Rubric |
Frog On His Own by Mercer Mayer (1973) |
NSS FOHO Rubric |
One Frog Too Many by Mercer & Marianne Mayer (1975) |
NSS OFTM Rubric |
Summarizes the expository scoring scheme coding.
Summarizes the persuasion scoring scheme coding.
Summarizes the oral narrative quality coding (used for the Ana Gets Lost story in the NZ-AU Story Retell database).
Describes recommended codes for marking fluency
There are several self-paced online courses covering coding.
There are also YouTube videos covering SI, NSS, ESS, and PSS scoring.