Making Language Sampling Easier!
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  • The Gray Area: Evaluation of Bilingual Clients

    Jan 28 2021

    As SLPs we are responsible for assessing all learners who may potentially have a language disorder and of course this includes students with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. In my own clinical practice as school-based SLP, I have to admit that when I hear about an upcoming evaluation of a bilingual student, I get a nervous. It’s overwhelming and a huge responsibility. We need ...

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  • Desperate Time Calls for Desperate Measures: Take a Language Sample

    Aug 31 2020

    COVID-19 has thrown service providers more curveballs than Sandy Koufax - or for the younger folk - Andy Pettitte. Many of us SLPs had to abruptly (and maybe uncomfortably) shift from face-to-face to telepractice as a service delivery model. Thankfully, today’s technology offers a work-around.  ASHA’s practice portal on telepractice states, “Assessment and therapy procedures and materials ...

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  • Linking Transcripts

    Nov 13 2019

    One of my favorite features of SALT software is the linking option. Basically, the program lets you link any two samples so that all reports are generated with the data from BOTH language samples presented side by side. Having the data simplified and in one report is a convenient way to present data in IEP meetings or for interpreting data yourself while writing diagnostic or progress reports. ...

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  • “Who is looking for the frog?”

    Nov 13 2019

    SALT Comprehension Questions Take About 5 Minutes and Will Help You Get More Out of Language Samples A few years back SALT developed comprehension questions for each of the story retell language sample elicitations. Can I just say that I love these add-on questions! They are based on the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy(1) with a framework of questions in a hierarchy going from easy to more complex hi...

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  • 5 reasons I love SALT as a practicing school-based SLP

    Sep 18 2019

    First and foremost, I have to say thank you to my very dear friend Mari Bliss. Mari and I carpooled to and from work 4-5 days a week for 2 hours a day. Mari challenged me personally and professionally, taught me and all of the district SLPs how to use SALT, and she advocated for the purchase of SALT for bilingual speech language pathologists in my district. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t be ...

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